Below are links to some pictorial records of portions of my life when I was not heavily involved in sailing.  Use the menu on the left or the links below for pictures and descriptions of these non-sailing events in my life.
Panama, 1974-1975 In 1974 I headed a team of programmers in the development of a communications message switching system for the U.S. Army.  Our second installation of this system was at the Corozal Army facility in the Panama Canal Zone.  At this time I had been leading this software development team for over three years working 60 - 70 hour weeks with almost no time off.  The last year of this effort had been spent almost entirely in Panama.  At the completion of the Corozal installation I was expected to take on another major software development project.  I determined that I was heading for a burn-out and instead  volunteered for the on-site support position in Panama which we had been unable to fill up until then.  This ended up being a one year vacation with bonus pay and no income tax.  The money I saved by not paying taxes for two years covered the purchase of a new sailboat when I returned to the states in January, 1976.
Okinawa, 1966-1967 I joined the US Air Force in the fall of 1964, shortly after I graduated from Franklin & Marshall College.  The Air  Force decided to make a meteorologist out of me and sent me to Texas A&M in 1965 for another year of education.  In 1966 I got my first assignment as an Air Force weather forecaster at Naha Air Base on the island of Okinawa. 
Japan, 1966 I had a few opportunities to visit the main islands of Japan while stationed on Okinawa. Unfortunately I have retained few of the pictures I took on those trips.
Vietnam, 1967-1968 From Okinawa I volunteered for a tour of duty in Vietnam.  I was assigned to the Air Force Base at Tuy Hoa on the coast in II Corps.
Hong Kong, 1968 While in Vietnam I took trips out of country every chance I got.  The single official trip was my Rest and Recreation (R&R) in Hong Kong.
Chicago & Wrigley Field While I have been cursed with the affliction of a life-long Cubs fan, the one good side to this curse is taking in a game in the "Friendly Confines".  The outcome of the game is usually the downside of the curse.  This year (2017) will be a new experience - going to a Cubs game when they are defending World Series champs.
Canal du Nivernais, 1995 For a long time I had wanted to visit Europe, especially France, but never seemed to get around to it.  In 1995, and again in 1998, friends organized barge trips on two of the most popular canals in France and I tagged along.  These barge tours started the thinking that led me to plan the Atlantic Circle sailing trip that began in 2005.
Canal du Midi, 1998